I have a particular interest in cranial osteopathy, which is a gentle technique used to achieve substantial changes without further stressing the body. My aim is to provide a unique and personalised treatment for each patient, so they can move away from pain and limitation by restoring their health and getting them back to being their best.
During my spare time I like to keep active doing waka ama or cycling.
I am a member of the Osteopathic council of New Zealand (OCNZ) and an accredited ACC treatment provider.
Visceral manipulation I-II-IV Neuro-menigeal manipulation I
Touch for life I-II-III
Master of Osteopathy, BSO London UK
Trained in biodynamic osteopathy in the cranial field, level I to VIII, Australia
Visceral manipulation level I and II
Paediatric Osteopathy Course in France and New Zealand
Clinic tutor, Ara osteopathic course NZ
Touch for Life for Kinesiology level I
Professional Bodies and Association
Osteopathic Council of New Zealand RegisteredACC Accredited Provider
Osteopaths New Zealand Member